Future Productions

November production – 20th to 23rd November 2024

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell

Directed by Simon Weston

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen…”

Hidden away in the Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith rewrites the past to
suit the needs of the all controlling Party, but secretly he is rebelling
against the totalitarian regime which controls every aspect of his life.
In an attempt to break free, Smith begins a secret affair with a fellow
worker, Julia, who shares his desire for liberty – can they succeed in a
world of thought crime and perpetual surveillance or will they discover
that the true price of freedom is betrayal under the watchful eye of Big
Brother? This stage adaptation of Nineteen Eighty-Four Is an exciting and
thought provoking play based on the novel by George Orwell, once
described as “The book of the twentieth century”.


March 2025 production – 26th to 29th March 2025

“Pack of Lies” by Hugh Whitemore

Directed by Roy Stevens

This play is based on the true story behind how an ordinary Canadian
couple, the Krogers, living in the London suburbs, were exposed
by MI5 as Russian spies. Set in 1961, in a house directly opposite
the Krogers’ residence, the Jackson family are visited by MI5,
whose agents discreetly observe a mysterious visitor, to slowly
reveal sinister activities taking place behind the Kroger’s front
door. The presence of MI5 and realisation of the Kroger’s true
purposes place great strain upon the Jacksons, whose lives are
never the same again. This is a highly emotional drama which
conveys the true life pain of deceit and betrayal